
paulo hoffmann
2 min readApr 26, 2021


I think my family has some nomadic trait in their genetics, my parents lived in many different houses, and changed their state a few times, in Brazil, from Rio Grande do Sul to São Paulo, then to Paraná, they returned to São Paulo, got divorced, my father went to Amazonas and then my mother to Rondonia.
I myself had my own experience of living in several Brazilian states, I was born in São Paulo, I lived in Rondonia, I briefly passed through Acre and returned to my homeland.
But, what about backpacking? …
Around 1979 we got a camping tent, which served to release our wild instincts …
We started to travel to the beach with some regularity, first without any planning, not even knowing where it was allowed to camp or not, I remember my older brother and I being invited to retreat from a trendy beach in Guarujá and advised to look for a beach further away, Pereque, where wild camping was allowed.
A few years later, having moved to the east side of São Paulo, we met another region of the nearby coast, Bertioga, and in particular, Enseada de São Lourenço.
Easily accessible, both by train and bus and by road, it has been our camp site for years, especially on major holidays, a huge beach about 14 kilometers long, with a small spring on one side, a small village with a grocery store, it was perfect for spending time on the beach in a very economical way. Too bad that a big undertaking ended the “wild” of the beach.
Already living in the northern region, in Rondonia, a friend and I left for Manaus, with little money and less resources, the idea was to find work on ferries going up the Madeira River, which did not happen due to lack of planning, we changed the plans on the second day in Humaitá, he wanted to return and I went to Rio Branco, three days walking and hitchhiking to win the 700 km between the two cities, about a year later, it was two days to return, again alternating between buses, hitchhikers and hikes.
Living in the Amazon region deserves a separate article, it was something close to 20 years when I met amazing people and places, rivers, forest, animals, fisheries, a place that I keep deep in my heart and that I feel very happy to see on social networks when modern nomads post their videos on social media.
For me it has something magical to see people passing by places where I passed, to recognize places where I have not walked for more than 15 years, to remember moments lived for so long. See that even in aspects that are not always positive, many things remain the same.
Anyway, here it is, in brief lines, in a very summarized way, part of the reasons that I believe to be part of my nomade nature, who knows next time I may be more detailed and brief…



paulo hoffmann

Brasileiro, 56, casado, 3 filhos, um monte de quereres, gosto de viajar , cozinhar, comer...